Monday, April 16, 2012

The Unavoidable Subject: What is a Caddy Girl?

Hearing a disconcerting scoff when I tell a person I am a golf caddie is something I have endured for a while.  The look of confusion on their face actually is amusing at this point, as I prepare myself to describe to them what I mean in the fact that I am a caddie.  Some get the wrong idea (I can’t win over people that just don’t get it) but most are enthusiastic so regardless of people’s negative perceptions, we have way more positive ones to balance it out after five years of a positive reputation.
Don't let looks fool you!

"There is no way you can carry a golf bag.  And what do you know about playing golf?"

Not all caddies have to PLAY golf.  As for carrying bags,  all of the courses that we caddy at provide a golf cart that is included in their charge and the majority of people choose to take carts rather than walk.  Courses are also busy during the golf season, with high volumes out on the courses and people need to be playing ready golf.  This is why we drive the carts and essentially are forecaddies.  Let me add that if indeed we need to walk, we absolutely CAN carry a 25-30lb bag.  Women carry around kids this size all the time!  However some of our own female caddies have carried clubs for 36 holes a day at private golf clubs.  
 Why is it so hard for people to comprehend that a female that is young and attractive can actually help with your clubs, tend the pin and know how to read a score card?  It’s not rocket science, its an easy job.  We are not caddying for pro golfers.  In fact, half of the time we are caddying for people that know less about golf than our caddies do.  We have caddies that are trained and know golf etiquette and even a few that can outdrive your buddies.  On top of that, we have personalities made for either cheering you on or making fun of the guys you are betting against.  
When Jan Squire, (one of the only two female caddies on the pro tour) was asked what her caddying duties included, she replied, “My responsibilities include organizing the golf bag, knowing the course and ensuring my player has the food and beverage they require whilst on course.”
Why would you need to be a man to do that?  On top of that, we repair divots, rake sand traps, assist with yardage and keep score. Again, not an impossible task solely because we are attractive girls.  
It is exactly what it says we are: Caddy + Girl= Female Caddy. 
There is no underlying meaning to it.  There is no “adult entertainment” aspect happening.  
We do all the same things a male caddy would do, we just look better doing it.